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Clinton Foundation Not Really a Charity
part and parcel of American national politics. Candidates and incumbents alike spend a great...

Economics As A Moral Science? - Decline of the Empire
of a single sect , for instance, tend to think rather alike in matters...

Talent: No stone left unturned in hunt for good recruits - FT.com
working to their own employees and expect the same at their consultants. German consultants, too, have...

Our Services - Find Domestic Staff - Marshall Harber
based in London and catering to clients globally. All our consultants have worked previously in...

an incredibly short learning curve. TRACE 700 Load Express lets "rookies" and experienced users alike perform accurate load calculations...

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Cultivating Writing Assessment Ecologies in Writing Centers – The Peer Review
center get more visits from, say, freshmen than seniors?” (Appendix). Writing center administrators and consultants alike need to...

Charles Bedaux

Charles Eugène Bedaux (10 October 1886 – 18 February 1944) was a French-American millionaire who made his fortune developing and implementing the work measurement aspect of scientific management, notably the Bedaux System. Bedaux was friends with British royalty and Nazis alike, and was a management consultant, big game hunter and explorer. In 1934, he was the fifth wealthiest man in the United States.

More from: Wikipedia

“Without the pen of Paine, the sword of Washington would have been wielded in vain.”
-- John Adams

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