31-40 of about 3,965 matches for informed selections

Investing in Stability: Lear Capital's Role in Gold IRA Companies - ncpecanharvestfestival
subtleties of Gold IRAs are critical before making financial investment decisions. Investors can make informed selections corrected with their...

Living In The Bonus Round: When the piano's dead.
heard of before. Susan Graham and Pierre-Laurent Aimard singing a selections of songs...

Real Sustainable Living: Developing a Homestead to Go Sovereign | Truthstream Media
affects our lives. Step Two involves disengaging from that system – boycotts, buycotts and careful, informed selections when choosing foods...

Quetico and the Boundary Waters Gear List
to add your comments to its description. It will help future visitors make informed decisions. When you're...

Buchi Kombucha | Embody the Elements
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Sound Obsession: Live Show Review: Bombino - 12/3/13
of African-American blues, but like 1970's Nigerian and Ghanian Afrobeat music - heavily informed by James Brown's...

Dubai's Real Estate Goldmine: Exploring the Luxurious Properties for Sale and Their Impact on the Gl
grasp prospects, and property worth, these sellers assist traders in making well-informed selections. After-Sales Support...

This Free Web Service Scooped the World on Ebola by 9 Days - Code Green Prep
result. We like the Drudge Report for general news distribution, but his selections of articles...

Sharper Image Coupons & Promo Codes
for someone you care about. New products are always showcased to keep you informed and inspired...

FAQs | AWS re:Post
community members with 5,000+ points have the ability to publish new Selections. With Selections, community members...

Historically informed performance

Historically informed performance (also referred to as period performance, authentic performance, or HIP) is an approach to the performance of classical music which aims to be faithful to the approach, manner and style of the musical era in which a work was originally conceived. It is based on two key aspects: the application of the stylistic and technical aspects of performance, known as performance practice; and the use of period instruments which may be reproductions of historical instruments that were in use at the time of the original composition, and which usually have different timbre and temperament from their modern equivalents. A further area of study, that of changing listener expectations, is increasingly under investigation. Given no sound recordings exist of music before the late 19th century, historically informed performance is largely derived from musicological analysis of texts.

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“On you depend the fortunes of America. You are to decide the important questions upon which rests the happiness and the liberty of millions yet unborn. Act worthy of yourselves.”
--Joseph Warren

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