41-50 of about 11,485 matches for well-equipped

Video | China Daily
Black Crag. After two weeks of training, DJ and George are now well-equipped to climb...

BCC Enhanced w/ Glenn Tate near Seattle - Modern Self Protection
2 1/2 hours NW of Downtown Seattle. It’s a very well equipped range, used to...

Timeline: How the deadliest Ebola outbreak in history spread
past outbreaks, which largely occurred in Central Africa. West African governments are not as well-equipped to identify...

2012 Toyota Prius v Review
price of $26,400, the base 2012 Prius v Two is reasonably well equipped, but if you...

Ask Peter - Index
occultist) was miraculously changed. Now a faithful disciple of Christ, he is well equipped to help...

The Word of Fiat: New Fiat Punto 2005
punto 2005 of the new fiat punto 2005 and comes very well equipped with a...

L. Ron Hubbard: Study Technology — Study Tech
will one day rest in the hands of our children. How well equipped will they be...

It's official - Britain is in deflation
have to remain vigilant to deflationary risks and our system is well equipped to deal...

Best Responsive WordPress News Theme – DW Focus
Theme featuring a neat and clean layout, fully responsive and well-equipped with many features...

CISA – Community Involved In Sustaining Agriculture | Our Programs
throughout the state to ensure that farmers and markets are well equipped to serve...

Australian Defence Force

The Australian Defence Force (ADF) is the military organisation responsible for the defence of the Commonwealth of Australia and its national interests. It consists of three branches: the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), Australian Army and the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF). The ADF has a strength of just over 89,000 personnel and is supported by the Department of Defence alongside other civilian entities. During the first decades of the 20th century, the Australian Government established the armed services as separate organisations, with each service having an independent chain of command.

More from: Wikipedia

“America is a great country, built by great people - you know what made them great - the spirit of freedom and a disregard for binding tradition.”
--Abhijit Naskar

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